A Note On Paper

While the main focus of this blog is fashion, I wanted to take a week to discuss another staple of this industry: paper. Promo Marketing’s June feature on Calendars & Timeplanners made me think about how often I use paper products. While it’s true that my daily correspondence with co-workers and friends is typically done electronically, I still use paper products every day. In fact, without them I’d be far less organized.

1. Calendars
As I mentioned in my feature, every member of the Promo Marketing team receives a large desk calendar every year. I use mine to write down important magazine production times, trade show dates and weekend trips. The small joy of crossing off a day would be sorely missed if I only used my online calendar. (Note: I also have a Nuns Having Fun calendar, as seen on The Ellen Show, which gives me monthly delight as I see what the nuns are up to next.)

2. Print-outs
We edit sections for the magazine on paper. There is something about putting pen to paper that gives me a clearer head while editing. Perhaps it is just the change from staring at a screen to staring at paper, but it helps to move away from my computer.

3. Folders and Envelopes
I use both to organize and file everything for each issue of Promo Marketing. It is nice to know we have a back up of all of our materials should there ever be an issue with our computers.

What an industry supplier has to say about paper products: “People in all walks of life can use a paper planner and it therefore becomes a very popular advertising tool. From the one-year planner for banks to 20-year planner for hotels and event planners, paper products are able to convey a message to their user … As a promotional product calendars and planners have always been a great, inexpensive way to keep your name in front of your clientele 365 days a year.”
– Don Guthrie, vice president of sales for Payne Publishers Inc., Manassas, Va.

How do you use paper products? Are they still an important part of your daily routine?

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